Our Values & Ethos
How we will achieve our Core Vision
1. Having high expectations of all children
For their academic achievement, behaviour, attendance, and participation.
2. Teaching an exciting and challenging curriculum
Combining rigorous academic standards and a strong understanding in the core subjects with exciting opportunities to enjoy new experiences and learn about fascinating topics.
3. Outstanding learning
We ensure every child achieves a high level of educational progress and attainment. A rigorous assessment programme tracks every child’s progress and together with targeted early intervention will ensure no one slips through the net.
4. Making every moment count
Our school days are longer than many other primary schools to combine a wide range of educational and enrichment activities. Enrichment activities mean children can explore their interests and learn new things beyond the National Curriculum. Our children will be engaged in meaningful activities every day of the school year.
5. Being an oasis of calm where children feel safe and happy
At Great Ouse Primary Academy, we strive to be a calm, quiet place where learning comes first. Children and teachers, younger children and older children, families and school staff look out for each other. We use meals, group activities and community events to make sure everyone gets to know everyone in our school community.
6. Being a genuinely comprehensive school
All children are welcome at Great Ouse Primary Academy and all valued. We work tirelessly to ensure every child achieves their potential. Through providing the best start in life, whatever their background, all children, but in particular the vulnerable, should be able to thrive at our inclusive school.
7. Educating the whole child
We expect that every child and young person at Great Ouse Primary Academy should be able to access the best teaching; academic subjects, pastoral care, sports, music, art and drama will all have an important place, helping to build confidence, skills and a spirit of endeavour and co-operation.
8. Working with parents and carers
Our aim is to be a genuine community school, operating an open door policy, supporting our families and working together to ensure our children succeed. Parents and carers are welcomed into the school to visit their child’s class during the day. Parent/grandparent helpers to read with children will always be welcome. Great Ouse Primary Academy works in collaboration with other providers and local partners to develop services which clearly demonstrate continual improvement, through the sharing of expertise and collaborative working, and which meet the needs of local children, young people and families in a coordinated way. Great Ouse Primary Academy welcomes the involvement of schools in providing community access to appropriate facilities to enhance education and learning.